Friday, December 10, 2010

Moisturizers may mess up your skin!

Moisturizers are widely used by both men and women. The majority of us buy moisturizers by looking at the shape of the container and the fragrance. Very few of us read the label to determine the contents. While this may not matter for most skin disorders, people with eczema had better pay attention what they apply on the skin. 

Recent studies indicate that use of water-based moisturizers that contain detergents may be harmful to the skin. These moisturizers may make the skin thinner and more prone to damage.

It is now recommended that people who have chronic eczema start using oil based moisturizers, which appear to protect the skin. Oil based moisturizers decrease skin thinning and cause less irritation. Finally, select a fragrance free moisturizer as these products contain fewer synthetic chemicals and thus, the chances of developing skin reactions is much less.

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