Thursday, January 13, 2011

Besides a moisturizer what else can l do to treat my dry skin?

Besides the face, hands suffer from dryness. Thus, avoid contact with water while washing dishes and wear gloves. If your hands are constantly cold and wet, apply a moisturizer and wear warm gloves. When you come home from the cold, change your socks/gloves since cold garments can worsen the itching and cracking of skin.
At home, you must use a humidifier to moisten the air. Humidification will ease your breathing and help you sleep comfortably. Finally drink lots of water. Drinking ample water keeps the skin hydrated and prevents itching and wrinkling of skin. If your skin is peeling and dry, keep away from all alcohol based skin care products and peeling agents. These substances will only worsen your skin.
While it is fun to soak in a hot tub at the end of long day, limit exposure to hot water in the winter. Too much hot water can lead to itching and dryness of skin.

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