Thursday, May 21, 2009

Botox for Sweating: part 2

Is the treatment permanent?

No, at best Botox will work for a few months. While it is not a permanent cure, it sure can make you feel a lot better about your self and renew your self-confidence. Most patients who get Botox injections notice that the sweating disappears in a few weeks and lasts anywhere from 2-5 months.

Are the Botox injections painful?

Well, it depends who does it. In most cases, there is only a slight pinprick that lasts a second. The procedure can be done at a spa or a clinic. If you are a cry baby and afraid of needles, you can ask the doctor to give you some numbing medication, which does help. The procedure rarely takes more than 30 minutes and there is little downtime.

Are there any side effects with Botox?

Asides from some mild arm weakness, there are no major side effects.

When does one see the result?

The decrease in sweating is obvious the next time you shake your hand. The maximum effect of botox takes about 2-3 weeks.

Does everyone respond to Botox?

Unfortunately no. Only about 10% of people respond to Botox. Therefore, never enroll for many sessions. Try one set of injections and wait a few weeks. If Botox has not worked in 2-3 weeks, it is unlikely to work in future. There is no way of telling who will respond to Botox. Because there have been many health care workers using fake, counterfeit or diluted Botox, it has been difficult to know if the problem lies with the patient or the Botox!

What is cost of Botox?

The cost of Botox ranges from $ 500- $1, 500 and is now available at most cosmetic and spa clinics. The procedure is considered cosmetic in nature and not covered by medical insurance.

What is option when Botox fails?

Surgery known as thoracic sympathectomy is probably the best treatment. If the surgeon is good, you will most likely be cured of the problem

Final point

Because there is a bandwagon of people who are clamoring for the Botox business, choose your therapist well. For safety, select a therapist who is credentialed to perform the procedure. Botox, when used by an experienced health care worker is a safe and effective way to eliminate the embarrassing problem of excessive sweating of underarms, hands, and feet.

For people who have gotten rid of sweating after botox injections, they claim that the feeling is better than an orgasm. Your hands will feel so dry that you will want to shake and touch everyone. Move over Viagra.

Can Botox decrease sweating?

There is nothing more uncomfortable than have cold damp hands. Unfortunately, many individuals do have a problem with sweating and have little idea how to treat it. Most individuals are too shy to talk about it and suffer silently. The disorder is too embarrassing for most individuals to come out in the open and talk about it. Many people go through thousands of dollars worth of ointments and creams and never achieve dry hands.

Is excessive sweating bad for health?

Excess sweating is generally a cosmetic problem that often leads to social isolation and withdrawal. It can be difficult to lead a normal life both socially and personally if you are constantly sweating. Having damp wet hands, unsightly clothes and even having to hold books can be a real pain in the rear. While excess sweating is typically localized to the hands and armpit, there are some unlucky individuals who sweat profusely in their feet. This leads to a terrible smell and development of skin rashes.

Why does excess sweating occur?

No one really knows why excess sweating occurs, but bad luck seems to be answer in most cases.

How does one treat excess sweating?

For many years, the treatments for sweating were useless or best classified in the category of crap. Today we have Botox. This miracle substance, which can erase wrinkles and fine lines on the face, is also a decent treatment for sweating. Botox when it works can decrease sweating, works fast and is relatively cheap.

How does Botox work?

Botox injections have been shown to be quite effective at decreasing sweating. Botox works by blocking sweat glands from releasing excess sweat.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What is best treatment for sunburn? Part 3

Sometimes a sunburn lesion can get infected. If you have the following features then your blisters are infected:

- Increased pain
- Swelling
- Redness which is spreading
- Area feels warm to touch
- Smelly Fluid discharge from blisters
- Fever
- Swollen glands in armpit, neck or groin

Symptoms to Watch For During Home Treatment

Most sunburn cases can be managed at home. However, some individual have severe burns and may require medical treatment. If you have the following symptoms, you need to see a health care professional

- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- Fever
- chills
- Nausea
- Generalized body weakness
- Skin redness
- Pain and drainage

In the majority of cases, sunburn can be treated at home and one does not need to see a physician. However, if pain is severe, if there is fever and one is not getting better in a few days, it is worth paying a visit to a physician. Drinking adequate fluids is the key to early recovery.

The best way to prevent sunburn is to use a sunscreen regularly. There are hundreds of sunscreen and anyone with an SPF 20 is adequate. Other means of avoiding sunburn is to wear protective garments, staying in the shade and knowing when one has had enough sun for the day.

sunscreen and moisturizers can be obtained at

What is best treatment for sunburn? part 2

After moderate sunburn, the skin will peel in a few days. One should let the skin peel off and not manually remove the skin. The burnt skin will soon be replaced by new skin in a few days. The best way to ease the itch and unsightly peel is to apply a moisturizer.

Topical anesthetics are widely hyped as a treatment for sunburns.. There are many beauty parlors and salons selling topical anesthetics for sunburn skin. At all costs, avoid these products. Most of these topical anesthetics are made in solvents that can worsen skin dryness. Further, there is no evidence that topical anesthetics have any benefit. The products are expensive and can even worsen your skin condition.

If you develop blisters, do not break them. Breaking blisters easily leads to infection and delayed healing. If the blister is intact, leave them alone or cover them with a light dressing. There is no need to apply any cream or lotion over the blister. Regularly look at the blister to ensure it is getting smaller and healing. There are some who advocate puncturing the blister or making a hole into the skin of the blister to decompress it. This is not recommended. Most blisters decrease in size with time

Wear proper clothes
and avoid tight restrictive clothes. Tight fitting clothes and shoes can further irritate skin and break open the blisters. Wear loose fitting clothes until the blister has healed

Make it a point to wash your hands before you touch the blister. Blisters can easily can get infected.

If you have a mild to moderate sunburn, there is no need to apply any antibiotics on it. do not use alcohol, iodine or any type of paint. All these substances contain chemicals which only delay healing

What is the best and most immediate treatment for sunburn?

Now that the hot weather is around the corner, sun tanning is on everyone’s mind. Each year thousands of individuals develop sunburn from excessive sun exposure and no matter how much preventive advice is given, it usually goes unheeded.

Sunburn varies in degree. Mild cases are no big deal but most individuals develop moderate to severe degree sunburn. Once sunburn has occurred, there is no magical treatment to reverse the process. Sunburn skin becomes maximal 12-24 hours after exposure, but the treatment takes a lot longer to reverse.

There are methods to relieve pain and help healing of skin with simple home made remedies:

The first thing to do when you realize you have sunburn, is to get out of the sun.

Use a cold compress. This can be a moist towel, ice pack or a a nice cool bath. Cold compresses only help when applied soon after the burn. When cold therapy is taken soon after sunburn, swelling, pain and redness is generally much less.

Sunburn always dries up skin. Thus, it is very important to keep the skin moist. One may use any number of moisturizers. Aloe Vera is probably as good as any. If there is excessive peeling of skin and itching, one can also apply hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone is available over the counter and will rapidly relieve both itching and dryness in no time.

Sunburn may look painful but the pain in most cases is mild to moderate. Over the counter pain pills like Motrin or Advil can help relieve the ache and redness

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Blue Peel- hype or hope? part 5

Do blue peels work?

Depends whom you talk to. The people who sell this therapy claim it is a godsend. Consumers who have had this therapy think it sucks. Overall, there are many testimonials on cyberspace. With higher strength blue peels, numerous complications have been reported- most of which are irreversible. The lighter strength peels do absolutely nothing. Blue peels only works for mild skin disorders. As far as aging and acne scars are concerned, save your hard earned money for a treatment that works- blue peel is not one of them.

Final advice

There are a lot of peels on the market- each one hyped up to be the next best treatment to reverse aging and so on. In reality, most of cosmetic medicine is a business where reality is often confused with illusion. The only time you are going to look young and beautiful after application of a blue peel is when you are having a dream. The majority of people who undergo a blue peel only achieve one thing- a major disappointment.

The Blue Peel- hype or hope? part 4

How often is the blue peel applied?

The vendors of this therapy recommend one treatment every 4 months. Because TCA is a strong acid, it often leads to severe skin peeling and frequent application of the peel is not recommended. Once blue peel has been applied, the skin starts to peel in the next few days and continues for the next 2-3 weeks. Complete peeling of skin can take anywhere from 10-21 days. At this point in time, the skin also appears pink.

Is the Blue peel permanent?

No, there is no peel that has permanent effects on skin, unless it is a complication. To maintain cosmetic benefits of the blue peel, one has to repeat treatments every 4-6 months

When does one see results after the blue peel?

During the first few weeks, skin peeling continues for 10-21 days. Fresh new skin is usually seen at 3-4 weeks and continues for another 4-6 weeks.

What is the cost of blue peel?

The price of blue peel does vary according to skin area being treated and your skin disorder. In general, the price of a blue peel can vary from $400-$1,000/session. If anesthesia is used, there are additional costs.

Can one apply the blue peel at home?

Yes, there are light strength blue peels for home use. The real facts about home peels are that they are useless and do very little. The light strength blue peels are sold all over cyberspace and in many salons for about $40-$60. The best advice is -stay away from home blue peels and save your money for something that works. Sorry, there are no refunds when the peels do not work.

The Blue Peel- hype or hope? part 3

In which individuals does TCA work best?

The blue peel works best in fair-skinned individuals. Individuals with a dark skin color, like Asians, Hispanics, and blacks generally do not respond well to the blue peel and in fact are quite prone to complications. TCA use has been associated with unpredictable results and has been know to cause extreme hypopigmentation of skin. In addition, blue peel treatments in some minority ethnic groups require more treatments and for prolonged times. Overall, TCA is not recommended in dark skinned individuals.

Where should TCA not be used?

TCA can be associated with severe complications if it is used near mucus membranes. Thus, the peeling agent should not be used around the

- eyes
- nose
- ears
- lips
- mouth
- genital area

How often does one apply the blue peel?

The blue peel is usually performed at a clinic. While the procedure is generally supposed to be done under supervision of a physician, this almost never happens. Chemical peels in North American are performed by technicians or nurses. The blue peel in general is applied anywhere for 15-60 minutes, depending on your skin condition

Does the Blue peel hurt?

Sure, it does. Anytime you start applying acids and chemicals on your face, it hurts. The blue peel does sting for a few minutes but the pain does subside. When TCA comes into contact with broken or ulcerated skin, it can cause intense pain. Thus, blue peels should never be used whenever there is broken skin. Whenever higher strength blue peel is used, the physician will or should offer some type of anesthesia.

What happens after the Blue peel?

After the blue peel, all individuals develop a bluish discoloration on skin that disappears within 24-48 hours. Pain, swelling, redness, and bruising all start to decrease over the next few days/weeks. Most people need about a week to recover.

The Blue Peel- hype or hope?

On what part of body can Blue Peel be used?

- face
- neck
- chest
- back
- Hands
- Arms
- Legs

Are there any complications with TCA?

Sure, there are lots of complications. Do not let anyone tell you there are none. Just browse through cyberspace and you will see all the negative comments. However, complications depend on strength of TCA used. The higher the concentration, the greater the chances of developing complications. Current estimates indicate that at least 10-20 percent of individuals who use TCA will develop complications.

Complications after the blue peel include:

- skin whitening
- skin darkening
- scar formation
- keloid formation
- infection

Some of these complications are permanent. Skin whitening in most cases cannot be reversed. Skin darkening can be diminished with use of bleaching agents. Keloids and scar formation are more common in dark skinned individuals and Orientals.

Does TCA have any side effects?

Yes, all peels have side effects. However, most side effects are transient and disappear in a few weeks. The most common side effects after the blue peel include

- skin irritation
- blister formation
- moderate pain
- skin discoloration
- swelling
- bruising

The Blue Peel- hype or hope?

What is a blue peel?

Blue peel is simply trichloroacetic acid (TCA) that has a blue dye in it. The blue dye is added to follow how deep the peel has gone into the skin. Chemical peels like TCA are widely used in cosmetics to treat variety of skin disorders. TCA is generally a strong chemical peel and can easily cause permanent damage to skin. For this reason, a dye is added to the formula so that the technician can follow depth of penetration of the peel.

Where is the blue peel done?

All chemical peels are outpatient procedures. Today. Blue peels are used in many salons, clinics, and spas.

What concentration of blue peel is used?

There are many concentrations of blue peels. The best concentration of blue peel can only be determined from a consult. The physician will look at your skin, determine the severity of skin disorder, and prescribe blue peel.

How does blue peel work?

The blue peel removes superficial layers of dead skin and debris. Over time, this layer of skin is replaced by new and much younger looking skin- at least this is how it is supposed to work.

Which skin disorders can be treated with the blue peel?

- Wrinkles
- Acne scars
- large pores
- skin discolorations
- sun damaged skin
- photo aged skin

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101 part 5

Other methods

Lasers: Lasers are used to treat almost everything in medicine. The cosmetic surgeons are now advocating lasers for baggy eyes and dark circles. The answer is simple- do not go for it. Lasers near the eye are very risky and there are many complications. The majority of testimonials on cyberspace about lasers claim it is very painful and in fact worsens the condition. Lasers are also very expensive and not worth the hassle.

Medications: There are a few topical medications that can narrow blood vessels and lighten dark circles. However, these vasoconstrictors are temporary, have a lot of side effects, and are generally never prescribed for baggy eyes.

Bleaching agents: There are some fools who sell bleaching agents to treat dark circles. the sad thing is that there are bigger fools who buy such products. Bleaching agents and eyes do not make good partners. Plus, bleaching agents do not help erase dark circles.

Surgery: Today, eye surgeons can help remove excess fat that causes baggy eyes. The surgery is relatively easy and produces decent results. However, surgery should never be first choice therapy for baggy eyes or dark circles.

Final point

Dark circles and baggy eyes are not a pleasant feature on the face and it is understandable why one seeks treatment. Anyone seeking care from a cosmetologist or a physician should note that there is nothing that works 100% for this disorder. Be prepared to spend countless hundreds and perhaps thousands of dollars. There are many scams and shams when it comes to treatment of dark circles underneath the eyes. Ask questions, get a referral, read about the condition, avoid doctors who recommend laser or invasive procedures and never go for surgery as a first choice treatment

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101 part 4

Eye rinses: There are hundreds of eye rinses and sprays for tired looking eyes. These solutions are all expensive and a waste of money. Make your own eye rinse by using only warm water. For your sinuses, mix a quarter teaspoon of salt with 2-3 cups of warm water. There are also many sprays available to help clean sinuses.

Cosmetics. Every single day there is a new cosmetic product hyped up to fight dark circles. Most of these are bull crap. These cosmetic products are a waste of time and money. There are lotions with every type of vitamins, mineral, and plant extracts. There are potions and lotions from Dead Sea, Red sea, Orange Sea, Seven Seas, White Sea and even the Sea of Tranquility- best advice is to avoid them. There is also a lot of hype about anti oxidants and extracts of plants, which can be used to treat dark circles- in most cases, these treatments, are scams. If you want to stay healthy, eat the fruit- do not buy a pill made from blueberries.
If you are going to buy a cosmetic product for your dark circles, get one that has a retinoid. There was one study, which claimed that of all cosmetic products, Retinoids work best for dark circles.

Camouflage: Sometimes, the best remedy is to hide the dark circles. There are many camouflage products sold in beauty stores. The best way to know what works for you is go to a store and ask the beautician to apply a sample. Make sure that the product you select is not scented and does not have a lot of synthetic chemicals. Chemicals can worsen dark circles.

Peels: Many beauticians and salons advertise chemical peels for dark circles. This is a definite no-no. Chemical peels around the eye can irreversibly damage your eye and alter vision. Never go for any type of treatment that uses chemicals or any other crap like that near your eyes.

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101 part 3

So what is cure for dark circles around the eyes?

For the consumer it is vital to understand that despite hundreds of treatments advocated by cosmetic surgeons, dark circles are completely benign. This skin disorder is not life threatening and is only of cosmetic concern. The treatment of dark circles under the eyes starts with self-care remedies at home.


Care of dark circles at home is relatively inexpensive, easy, and simple.

Cold compress. Individuals who suddenly develop baggy eyes and dark circles may try application of a cold compress. One can take some ice chips, place them in a plastic bag, wrap a soft cloth around it, and apply it to the eye. Ice can rapidly reduce swelling and skin discoloration. One can even try to use ice-chilled tea bags as a cold compress.

Elevate the head. When baggy eyes and dark circles develop after a long night of partying or lack of sleep, one can reduce the swelling and puffiness by sleeping with the head elevated. Individuals who routinely develop baggy eyes should also try sleeping with the head elevated on a couple of pillows.

Catch up on sleep. Many individual develop tired looking eyes with dark discoloration when they do not get enough sleep. The shadows and hollow eyed features can be significantly reduced by avoiding sleepless nights. Adequate sleep alone can make a big difference in the aesthetic appearance of an individual

When dark circles develop underneath eyes, the discoloration can get worse with sun exposure. In addition, in some individuals, the dark circles are quite prominent and unattractive; in such cases, one can wear dark sunglasses. For individuals who go out into the sun to tan, a sunscreen is highly recommended. The sunscreen protects skin and the suntan can help hide the dark circles

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101 part 2

Medications: There are a few medications that can open up blood vessels. These medications can create dark circles around eyes.

Medical disorders: There are many medical disorders that can cause eyes to become dark, baggy, and engorged. Any condition that causes retention of fluid can cause baggy eyes. This includes diseases of the heart, thyroid, kidney, or liver. When the medical disorder is treated, baggy eyes and dark circles disappear.

Race: Some races are more prone to dark circles. Orientals and Asians in particular often develop dark circles around eyes at a much younger age.

Skin color: Individuals who have very fair skin often develop very prominent dark circles beneath the eye.

Sun: Excessive sun exposure does a lot of bad things to skin and one of them is dark circles beneath the eyes. Individuals who have a history of sun exposure since childhood often develop dark circles in their 4/5th decade of life. Sun causes the body to produce more melanin- this pigment is responsible for darkening of skin.

Aging: The most common cause of dark circles is aging. As we age our skin becomes thin, collagen disappears, and there is loss of elasticity. This leads to development of dark circles that appear baggy and bluish red.

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101 p

Why does one develop dark circles?

For most people, dark circles appear because of their lifestyle. If you do not sleep, always rush around, like to worry, never sits down and relaxes, frets about the most mundane things in this world- then it is not unusual to get dark circles underneath the eyes. However, some people do not party, sleep well, have a comfortable life style, eat well, do not smoke, and yet develop these darn circles- Why? While fatigue and lack of sleep are the common causes of dark circles, there are many other causes of dark circles.

Besides fatigues and nocturnal life style, some individuals develop dark circles that are caused by puffy eyelids. Others develop hollows underneath eyes that occur as a result of aging.

Other causes of dark circles include:

Allergies. Individuals who develop allergies to environmental contaminants often develop dark circles. When one has constant tearing of eyes, nasal congestion, itchy face, and frequent sneezing, dark smudges often develop underneath the eyes. These individuals always look tired and ill.

Genes: Dark circles do tend to run in families. If any of your parents have baggy eyes or dark circles, chances are that you will also develop such features. The genes responsible for dark circles is unknown.

Lifestyle: The majority of young individuals who develop dark circles underneath eyes do so because of their life style. Excess smoking, consumption of gallons of coffee, not sleeping and drinking liters of coke-colas has been linked to this skin disorder.

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101

When it is not acne, wrinkles or pimples, then it is dark circles around the eyes. Just what do these dark circles mean and why do they develop?
For one thing all consumers have to understand- dark circles do not always reflect the fact that you are old, exhausted, or have a medical illness. In most individuals, dark circles are a sign of lifestyle and can make you feel old, tired and appear unattractive.

Dark circles tend to form as round areas of skin discoloration underneath the eyes. Both men and women develop dark circles but women tend to be most bothered by them. While in most cases dark circles are a sign of aging, they can also occur in young adults and children.

The major reason why individuals seek treatment for dark circles is because the face appears unattractive.

So what can be done about these dark circles?

Whenever there is money to be made, you can rest assured there will be lots of treatments devised by health care professionals. Today, the internet is inundated with drugs, lotions, pills, ointment, and gels to treat dark circles. Not to be left out, spas and salons now offer bleaches and peels to treat this most innocent skin disorder.

The consumer has to understand that there is no ideal treatment for dark circles underneath the eyes- while laser and surgery have been hyped up to be the best treatments, results are not always great, complications are common and recurrence of dark circles is not unheard of. So one has to have realistic expectations. No matter what treatment you select, chances are you will not be fully satisfied- such is the reality of cosmetic medicine