Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is treatment of leg spider veins covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, spider veins are considered cosmetic in nature and the cost of treatment is not covered by any insurance company. Most cosmetic physicians and clinics charge anywhere from $200-$600 per leg. You may need repeat sessions every few months. However, you can rest assured all these health care providers do accept credit cards and will make all necessary financial arrangements to help you get your treatment.

I have been told I have spider veins. When should I get my spider veins treated?

if your spider veins do not bother you, you should leave them alone. If you have vague pains or aches, then the cause is not spider veins. Spider veins are harmless and only of a cosmetic nuisance. Any physician who claims that spider veins can cause symptoms is being dishonest. If you hate how the spider veins look, then the only two options you have are sclerotherapy and laser. Laser offers faster and better results, but neither is a permanent treatment. Spider veins will come back- guaranteed.

How can I prevent spider veins in my legs?

Since there is no cure for spider veins, prevention is the key. Preventive measures should include:
- Avoid prolonged standing
- Wear compression stockings
Exercise daily
- Keep your weight under control

Are there any creams that remove spider veins?

No, there are no such creams. Only camouflage products are available. These are expensive and are only a day to day solution. The world of skincare has many bogus products and you can rest assured- not one will ever erase your spider veins

Can spider veins be treated during pregnancy?

It is best to wait until the pregnancy is over before one embarks on spider vein treatment. The reason is that spider veins may sometimes spontaneously disappear after your pregnancy. Moreover, you do not want the doctors to fool around on your body with lasers and chemicals while you are pregnant

Are there any preparations required before one undergoes laser or sclerotherapy for spider veins?

In general None, but you must have money. For those who are obese, one may want to lose some weight before the procedure. Anyone who is taking blood thinning medications should discuss this with their doctor before the procedure. If you are going for laser, avoid getting a suntan at least 4-6 weeks prior to the procedure. The laser can sometimes cause a permanent discoloration of tanned skin

Who treats spider veins with lasers?

Unfortunately, today every tom, dick, Harry and Filipina has a spa or clinic where lasers are used liberally. Lasers are supposed to be used by people who have had some type of training but the world of beauty and skincare remains unregulated. If you want to avoid complications, seek a  cosmetic surgeon, vascular surgeon, dermatologist or plastic surgeon. The majority of spas and salons are staffed by people who cannot not tell the difference between the mouth and the a..e. These places may be cheap but you also risk being burnt and losing your eye sight.

What is the disadvantage of laser for spider veins?

Laser therapy is slightly more expensive than sclerotherapy. But since Laser produces excellent results, it is fast becoming the procedure of choice. Laser treatment for spider veins can cost anywhere from $200-$800 per session

How many laser sessions are required to treat spider veins on the legs?

Whether it is sclerotherapy or laser, most cosmetic physicians will make you come in for a minimum of 2-3 sessions. If you look rich and sexy, perhaps many more sessions. The results of laser usually last a few months at best.

Do all spider veins on the legs need treatment?

Absolutely not. Removal of spider veins is a personal choice because they are only of a cosmetic concern. If left alone, they cause no harm. If you want to prevent them from getting more obvious, wear a decent pair of compression stockings.