Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rosacea : Part 2

What are risk factors for Rosacea?

While the exact cause of Rosacea is not known, there are several risk factors that can make the condition worse. This includes:

- eating spicy and hot foods
- consumption of hot beverages
- drinking alcohol in excess
- physical and emotional stress
- exposure to extremes of weather
- use of harsh facial chemicals and soaps
- use of shampoos containing astringents
- frequent hot showers

Individuals with Rosacea can control the disease by avoiding trigger factors.

What is treatment of Rosacea?

Treatment of rosacea is available but difficult. The treatments available can reduce the symptoms but do not cure the disease. Rosacea has a habit of coming back within a few weeks or months after treatment.

What drugs can be used to treat Rosacea?

Currently the best treatment for Rosacea is with the use of low dose Retinoids like Accutane. Other drugs that often work are Tetracyclines and anti-inflammatory agents. In addition to antibiotic creams, one may even need oral pills to control acute outbreaks of Rosacea. When the eye is involved, one can apply warm compresses and artificial tears to sooth the gritty sensation.

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