Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Blue Peel- hype or hope? part 4

How often is the blue peel applied?

The vendors of this therapy recommend one treatment every 4 months. Because TCA is a strong acid, it often leads to severe skin peeling and frequent application of the peel is not recommended. Once blue peel has been applied, the skin starts to peel in the next few days and continues for the next 2-3 weeks. Complete peeling of skin can take anywhere from 10-21 days. At this point in time, the skin also appears pink.

Is the Blue peel permanent?

No, there is no peel that has permanent effects on skin, unless it is a complication. To maintain cosmetic benefits of the blue peel, one has to repeat treatments every 4-6 months

When does one see results after the blue peel?

During the first few weeks, skin peeling continues for 10-21 days. Fresh new skin is usually seen at 3-4 weeks and continues for another 4-6 weeks.

What is the cost of blue peel?

The price of blue peel does vary according to skin area being treated and your skin disorder. In general, the price of a blue peel can vary from $400-$1,000/session. If anesthesia is used, there are additional costs.

Can one apply the blue peel at home?

Yes, there are light strength blue peels for home use. The real facts about home peels are that they are useless and do very little. The light strength blue peels are sold all over cyberspace and in many salons for about $40-$60. The best advice is -stay away from home blue peels and save your money for something that works. Sorry, there are no refunds when the peels do not work.

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