Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Blue Peel- hype or hope?

What is a blue peel?

Blue peel is simply trichloroacetic acid (TCA) that has a blue dye in it. The blue dye is added to follow how deep the peel has gone into the skin. Chemical peels like TCA are widely used in cosmetics to treat variety of skin disorders. TCA is generally a strong chemical peel and can easily cause permanent damage to skin. For this reason, a dye is added to the formula so that the technician can follow depth of penetration of the peel.

Where is the blue peel done?

All chemical peels are outpatient procedures. Today. Blue peels are used in many salons, clinics, and spas.

What concentration of blue peel is used?

There are many concentrations of blue peels. The best concentration of blue peel can only be determined from a consult. The physician will look at your skin, determine the severity of skin disorder, and prescribe blue peel.

How does blue peel work?

The blue peel removes superficial layers of dead skin and debris. Over time, this layer of skin is replaced by new and much younger looking skin- at least this is how it is supposed to work.

Which skin disorders can be treated with the blue peel?

- Wrinkles
- Acne scars
- large pores
- skin discolorations
- sun damaged skin
- photo aged skin

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