Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dark Circles Underneath the Eyes- 101

When it is not acne, wrinkles or pimples, then it is dark circles around the eyes. Just what do these dark circles mean and why do they develop?
For one thing all consumers have to understand- dark circles do not always reflect the fact that you are old, exhausted, or have a medical illness. In most individuals, dark circles are a sign of lifestyle and can make you feel old, tired and appear unattractive.

Dark circles tend to form as round areas of skin discoloration underneath the eyes. Both men and women develop dark circles but women tend to be most bothered by them. While in most cases dark circles are a sign of aging, they can also occur in young adults and children.

The major reason why individuals seek treatment for dark circles is because the face appears unattractive.

So what can be done about these dark circles?

Whenever there is money to be made, you can rest assured there will be lots of treatments devised by health care professionals. Today, the internet is inundated with drugs, lotions, pills, ointment, and gels to treat dark circles. Not to be left out, spas and salons now offer bleaches and peels to treat this most innocent skin disorder.

The consumer has to understand that there is no ideal treatment for dark circles underneath the eyes- while laser and surgery have been hyped up to be the best treatments, results are not always great, complications are common and recurrence of dark circles is not unheard of. So one has to have realistic expectations. No matter what treatment you select, chances are you will not be fully satisfied- such is the reality of cosmetic medicine

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